2019 Fall Newsletter
We wrap up an active year for the Society of the War of 1812 in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and look forward to a VERY active coming year for the Society!
The “headline” news is that our Society has been asked to host the upcoming Triennial Meeting of the General Society in Phil-adelphia, August 6-9, 2020. Please mark the dates on your new 2020 calendar as we hope to have a very strong Pennsylvania representation during this event. Planning is well underway and we’ll begin to share information on the Triennial events early in the new year.
One of the major Triennial-related events will be the restora-tion, unveiling, and re-dedication of the monument to Captain Charles Ross, a prominent and popular Pennsylvanian who aided in the defense of Philadelphia during the War of 1812. His grave was desecrated during the 1980s when vandals re-moved the beautiful bronze sculptural elements that capped the stone portion of the monument.
Shortly we will be making a rare appeal to all Pennsylvania members for financial donations to support the re-casting of the sculptural elements of the monument and to support the accompanying educational portion of the project involving students located near the monument. As this cemetery has be-come a major attraction for visitors exploring the Independence Hall area (“America’s Most Historic Square Mile”), this project has the possibility of becoming one of the Society’s most visible and vibrant projects in the Society’s 166 year history.
This newsletter features a detailed article about Captain Ross, the monument, and our restoration plans. Our special appeal for financial donations will appear with the 2020 dues mail-ing… but should you wish to make a tax-deductible donation that would be reflected in your 2019 taxes, such donations would be most welcome! Please watch for this request and consider a gift in support of your Society!
Speaking of our newsletter, I hope that you will notice (and en-joy!) a slightly refreshed look to it, as well as our annual Year-book that you should also have received. A “refresh” of the So-ciety’s website is also underway. As the Triennial approaches, our Society’s public media face will be receiving significantly increased attention, and we thought it a good opportunity to update some of our informational offerings. Watch for the new website unveiling!
As a Pittsburgher born and raised, I very much want to hold a western Pennsylvania-focused event in the next year, perhaps an 1812 grave dedication ceremony, perhaps a restoration of the sundial monument dedicated to 1812 veterans located on the University of Pittsburgh campus near the Stephen Foster Me-morial, most certainly with a social component. I’ll be send-ing out a short questionnaire in a few weeks to our western Pennsylvania members to gather some information to help plan such an event. If you are interested in helping to organize this, please contact me. The U.S. Daughters of 1812 chapters in the central and western portions of the Commonwealth have also expressed their interest in collaborating on such an event.
If ever there was a moment to consider nominating for mem-bership sons, grandsons, nephews, uncles or friends and col-leagues with 1812 ancestors, this certainly is it as we prepare for the Triennial celebrations in August 2020. Our Member-ship Committee stands ready to assist with the application process. At your family gatherings during the upcoming holi-day season, please take a moment to ask family members if you might propose them for membership in our Society.
Finally, allow me the opportunity to thank our Officers and members of the Board of Direction for their dedicated volun-teer service during the past year. We have relied on their coun-sel and service a great deal during this past busy year and more work (and fun!) looms ahead. I am also so very grateful for the continuing support of each and every member of the Pennsyl-vania Society! It has been such a great pleasure to work with so many our of members in furthering our Society’s mission of honoring and preserving the history and memory of 1812 vet-eran ancestors and their service to our nation. Thank you!!